产品功能 l Compliant USB 2.0 Full speed l Compliant USB audio device spec. 1.0 and HID class spec. 1.1 l Support both USB Low-power (100mA) and High-power (500mA) operation modes l Support USB suspend / resume mode (500uA) and remote wake-up option (2.5mA) l Support USB 2.0 Interlace Association Descriptor (*) l Support 1ms HID end-point interval (*) * OS supported on Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Vista and upper l Single 5V power supply l 5V to 3.3V DC-DC and 3.3V to 1.8V DC-DC regulators embedded l Single 12MHz Crystal required l Support 24c02 (256 x 8 bits) EEPROM interface l Support customized VID, PID, Manufacturer string (UNICODE, maximum 14 characters), Product string (UNICODE, maximum 29 characters), Serial number (UNICODE, maximum 10 characters) through EEPROM l Support customized maximum, minimum, and initial volume values of playback and record mixers through EEPROM l Support dynamic ON/OFF side-tone function by I/O pad. l Customize side-tone volume attenuatio